Monday, March 8, 2010

High School Journalism is a website intended to attract people interested in youth journalism including students, high school journalism teachers, editors and guidance counselors.

The objectives of are to provide young people interested in getting involved in the news business with websites and links to information that will provide them with a better understanding of the journalism industry. Also it provides students with news and information regarding things coming up in the young news world. The site is not only for students but for teachers and editors as well. One very useful resource this web provides to students and teachers is information about journalism programs on a national level, but also on a state-to-state level. Information about possible summer internships, workshops, and even accredited JMC colleges and universities a student might be interested in.

The homepage is very easy to navigate. In the middle it has news about the most recent internship programs, workshops and scholarship opportunities available for students and well as teachers. On the left hand side of the page there are separate tabs for students, teachers and editors providing information geared toward each section under than tab. Also on the left hand side of the page it links to the groups Twitter and Facebook pages. It also provides a PDF of the First Amendment intended to be placed in a student’s locker!

This website provides students with over 3,000 student news outlets. Offering them examples of good and interesting stories, video, photos and more recently good multimedia.

Under the most recent news in the middle of the page, the site offers lesson plans on journalism for teachers, a “Future now” section where journalist and scholar Dan Gillmor tells what students should learn in a journalism school to get them prepared for today’s current and changing state of journalism. It teaches basics of journalism ethics and tools to help one strive for objectivity and truth. It provides students with key resources such as news literacy links, journalism reviews, scholastic press groups, national groups for journalism teachers and is always updating articles about youth journalism in the news.

This site can help journalists, but journalists can also help this site. They can find interested young student journalists to get involved. It can also give journalists an outlet to start teaching young what journalist should be striving toward, even at a high school level. Journalists can give back to this site by providing insight on the journalism industry, what can be expected in the future as opposed to now and what important skills editors look for in journalists, much like it is displayed on It explains the changing industry and what is becoming more important features of a good journalist. For example it states that multimedia is becoming bigger in journalism and students need to acquire those skills if they want to be in the running for possible job in the future.

I’m not exactly sure if the website has “members” but people who visit this website include students, teachers, editors and anybody interested in youth journalism in anyway would benefit greatly from this website.

This website is sponsored by the John S. and James Knight Foundation. The Knight Foundation mission is “to seek opportunities that can transform both communities and journalism, and help them reach their highest potential. We want to ensure that each community's citizens get the information they need to thrive in a democracy.”

I rate this website a 5 out of 5. It was very well organized and very informative. I wish I knew about this website when I was in high school. It provides students with so many resources to be successful before even attending college. It provides them with a basic understanding of the journalism principles and mission so they will have a good understanding of what they are working toward. I was very impressed and will visit this site again in the future.


  1. I agree with Hannah that this Web site would have been a real asset in high school. It would have given me a better idea of what I was looking at going into college. I agree that it is pretty organized although the tabs on the side have so many options it is a little overwhelming. I almost did not even know where to begin. Once I figured out what I was interested in, this site was very helpful.

  2. This is a great site for someone who is thinking about going into journalism. I agree with Hannah's rating because there are so many tools that are useful for journalists of all ages. I really like that the Web site focuses on the core missions of journalism, but also on the ways journalism is changing today.
