Monday, April 5, 2010 is a search engine for journalists to use to find stories about basically anything they need to find. According to it's partnered with SmartName to make searching for specific topics much easier and shortens time spent looking for what you want. The Web site gives ideas for searching and also gives the searcher a place to type in anything they are looking for.
On the top timeline of the homepage there are the titles, GUILD, NEWS, NEWS ARTICLE, CURRENT EVENT INTERNATIONAL NEWS, WORLD NEWS and NEWS MEDIA. When clicking on these, say you click on the NEWS link, it goes to a page that pulls up searches such as breaking local news, OKC newspapers and free news for stocks. These will take you to local or international headlines from major journalism outlets. There is also a blank search bar where you can type anything in and it will find news outlets with your specific search.
Also located on the home page is related searches. Such as, newspapers, politics and finance news. Clicking on these links will give you the most popular newspapers, the top stories in politics and the latest on financial news, locally, nationally and internationally. is basically a search engine. All it does is have links that leads to other links that will bring you to stories related to your search. The Web site doesn't have any helpful information, but I can see how it would shorten the time journalists spend searching the Web. Especially in this shortened time span journalists are facing because of the Web. Stories must be posted immediately after the event being covered ends. The only problem is, this Web site gives about 3,000 different options for the topic you're searching for. If it shortened and became more precise, I think it would be much more useful.
I would give this Web site a 3 on the ranking scale. Yes, it is useful and shortens time spent searching on the Web, but I think it is still too broad; it gives too many examples that may not even be related to the search wanted. I noticed that at the top of the homepage, and every page there is an advertisement saying the Web site is for sale. I'm wondering if other journalists are not happy with broadness of this Web site and that's why it is not doing well.


  1. I think a 3 is a bit harsh, Newsguild is a great search resource. When you're trying to find depth of information for a topic it offers plenty of directions to go. As for the "For Sale" sign on top of every page, it is a little disconcerting knowing the website you're using is up for grabs; doesn't exactly build confidence. But a great search resource none-the-less.

  2. I think this Web site is interesting although I must admit on first glance I thought I had typed in the address wrong because it looked like a pop-up to me. The information is quite general and I am not sure it is that helpful for a journalist doing research. Maybe with the for sale sign up top that is a reflection of the type of content or its usefulness. I agree with Amy's rating of a three--we have seen some great resources this summer, but this is not one of them in my opinion.

  3. I agree with the rating. I feel the website needs a compelling element in order to persuade me to change the search engine I use. A lot of journalists know tools to filter information on search engines such as using "AND" and quotes. I think the 3,000 options work against the idea of simplicity. However, it is useful if the journalist is searching for something very specific.

  4. I have to agree with the majority when I say that I was not impressed. I don't see anything this site offers that I can't also find on Google news. Yes- I know Google is media enemy, but I'll admit- I use it. And this is why. Until a media site provides me with a better product, I see no reason to switch. Sorry Newsguild, you will have to present new and interesting content before winning my vote.
