Monday, April 26, 2010

Society for Professional Journalists

The Society for Professional Journalists is the nation’s most broad-based journalism foundation, dedicated to upholding the free practice of journalism and ethical behavior. SPJ was founded in 1909 as Sigma Delta Chi. From my understanding of the website, Sigma Delta Chi is now a branch of SPJ that supports the educational programs of the Society and serves those pursuing a profession in journalism. SPJ promotes the free flow of information that is vital to a well-informed society; works to inspire and educate future journalists; and protects the First Amendment freedom of speech and press through its advocacy efforts. SPJ’s mission is maintaining a free press as the cornerstone of our nation and our liberty. The membership fee to join SPJ as a college student is $36 for one year. The website states that by joining SPJ, you are making a solid investment in yourself and your profession. Members are put at the forefront of industry happenings.

The website is full of information for journalists. On the home page is an article about SPJ’s current project, Access Across America. There are links to more information about the project, such as when the tour is coming to a town near you and a blog featuring more on the event. On the left hand side of the page is a toolbar, featuring everything from job postings for employees and employers to discussion boards about ethics.

There is a training section that would be very helpful for journalists. It features upcoming events such as Newsroom Training and how journalists can sign up for the conferences. The job bank is also very useful for journalists. Employers are able to post available jobs and job seekers (if they are members) are able to search available jobs.

There is a special section called Generation J that is aimed at making sense of the changing journalism field. It is targeted at recent graduates of journalism school and offers a mentoring program where recent grads are paired up with news veterans.

I would rate the site a 4.5 out of 5. There is a plethora of information to look at and it is presented in a logical manner. The site is very interactive and interesting and is aimed at a younger audience. All the articles were written very informally, which I really enjoyed. While the site offers helpful information, it is confusing at times. I was unclear on the differences between SPJ and Sigma Delta Chi. Both organizations strive to inform the public in an ethical manner, but it is clear they are two different organizations.


  1. Like NAJA, I really liked how SPJ has a section devoted to those who are looking for jobs. Not many sites have a job section, but it can be very useful. I also liked how SPJ offers Generation J in which they pair recent college graduates with veterans. This would be so helpful to journalists. In college, students learn how to do stuff, but veterans can teach you how to go about what you do in a professional manner. Veterans can also teach college graduates ethics because of their experiences that have encountered in the newsroom.

  2. You're right- there is a TON of information on the SPJ site. I liked the freelance journalist directory. I can imagine it would be hard to get your foot in the door as a freelancer and this site helps. It is also a nice place to refer back to when faced with an ethical quandary or question about media law. I will definitely be returning to the site.
